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About us

成都九图互动科技有限公司(Joytoart Gaming),于2017年12月由多位热爱游戏和传统文化的游戏研发者创办。从创业之初,我们就设法在独立游戏开发环节中融入传统文化和自己的思考,专注于热血动作和体育类游戏,同时有着独特的游戏风格和游戏魅力。历时4年开发的首部作品《都广裔迹录》即将上线,敬请期待,Joy to art,Joy to game!

Independent game development team focusing on traditional culture

Joytoart Technology Co., Ltd. (Joytoart Gaming) was founded in December 2017,by a number of game developers who loves game.Since the beginning, we have tried to incorporate traditional culture and our own thinking in the game development process, focusing on Action and Sports games type, and at the same time have a unique game style and game charm. The first games work 【Descendants of DuGuang】developed in 4 years will be coming soon, so stay tuned, Joy to art, Joy to game!